Purpose Of School Uniforms

Do you know why does a student is forced to wear school uniforms? In many different schools there are many different variety of children are joining and studying like rich children, poor children, brilliant children and weak children too. And many more kind of children join in the schools. Children are of different type. In schools, children are also coming from rich family as well as from poor family and from middle class family too. If there is no school uniforms given to them, people from high class children wear good, grand and different varieties of dress everyday.

And children from low class can not were this kind of dresses because of their poverty. They feel guilty, selfish and hesitate to mingle with them. To avoid all these difference only people have introduced uniform and shown that everyone is uniform and equal. So when they wear uniform the students will not see whether he is a rich student or which caste student or anything like this. By avoiding all these complex, and dissimilarities, students should mingle freely and treat everyone as their friend and class mates. So to show the equality they have introduced the same dress as uniform with different type for girls as well as boys separately.

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